‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Many churches look toward other church models. The grass often seems greener on the other side.
Worship styles come and go. During the 1970’s and 80’s we saw a move toward simpler song texts. At the beginning of a new century we see a renewed move toward text from ancient hymns. A church in the middle of Nashville will probably look nothing like a church in the middle of Los Angeles – God’s truth remains the same, but worship style varies greatly from place to place.
God says in the scripture, over and over again, that He makes things new. At one point in time, it was part of God’s plan for Israel to live in Egypt. He was preparing them as a people for a much greater plan. Interestingly, when things got tough for them in the land of Canaan, they gravitated back toward Egypt and the idols of the past.
We need to be trailblazers, not only as musicians and songwriters - but also as followers of Christ. Life in Christ is all about new. He doesn’t allow us, or our churches, to remain the same. He also doesn’t ask us to be something we’re not. God is constantly transforming His Church so that we can do the specific work we are called to do.