Friday, October 29, 2010

What are We Waiting For

Performance – surrender – lifting my hands – dancing in the Spirit -- standing in the front row – cowering in the back row. We’ve heard these and similar words over and over and over again, if we lead worship at church.  What outward signs and inward feelings are good, bad, right, wrong, or does it matter?

The thing that distinguishes Christianity from a man-made religion is the truth that God EXPERIENCED what it meant to be a man  - joy, fulfillment, deep pain, disappointment, hatred, rejection.  I suspect, even though God is perfect and completely self-sufficient, He walks with us and KNOWS what we are going through – each one of us.

Are emotions a valid part of who we are?  Do we hide our feelings and emotions from those closest to us?  Is it wrong to shout for joy and jump up and down when we are truly joyful?  What about when we’re deeply disappointed – are there those we can trust that will wrap their arms around us?

There are moments in worship we all experience the SAME thing at the same time.  There are other moments when we all experience DIFFERENT things – when God’s truths deal with individual experience.

So what are we waiting for, for heaven’s sake, when it comes to expressing ourselves in worship?  Don’t hold back – for the sake of those around you!  Be real, and it will be contagious.

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