Sunday, February 13, 2011

Worship Him

How do you prepare for Sunday mornings?  Obviously, the music prep is important – but I’m talking about preparing your heart and your soul for worship.  Those involved in the music ministry often think long and hard about details involved in worship flow, music selection and participation scheduling.  Let’s talk about spiritual preparation.

I’m reading through the book of Exodus, and I’m finding the stipulations God placed upon the priests concerning their preparation before serving in the Tabernacle.  There’s a sense of awe when we read the many ordinances they were instructed to follow.  The priests washed before serving.  They wore specific clothing while they served.  They even burned a specific type of incense – with a fragrance unique to the Tabernacle – while they served.  The priests were set apart for service – they followed a high standard of dedication, which certainly led to an awe and reverence for the service they were to perform.

We, in the 21st century, live in a different time and in a different place, than the priests recorded in the book of Exodus.  The blood of Jesus has been offered as the perfect sacrifice, to redeem mankind.  Does that erase God’s mandate to wash, clothe and prepare ourselves to lead in worship?  If we are to prepare ourselves to lead, what does that look like today? 

In your time alone with God this weekend, ask Him to cleanse you, clothe you and set you apart, so that you are equipped by Him to serve His Church.

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